Thursday, November 26, 2009

Presenting MouthOff: iPhone App Of The Day

Article link: Presenting MouthOff: iPhone App Of The Day

This article is a video that gives a review on an iPhone app called "MouthOff"

I thought this was an extremely creative and individual app, as well as a cute video displaying its features and just how generally cool it was.

Aaron Tang's disappearing stairs

Article link: Aaron Tang's disappearing stairs

This article shows off work done by Aaron Tang, which he describes as "an element of a wall that allows passageway to another environment when opened and restricts passageway when closed."

I think the picture makes it look really cool, but a video of him would be better. Well, despite that, I think it looks really cool, and that his description is pretty genius.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hook and Go skeletal shopping cart

Article link: Hook and Go skeletal shopping cart

This article is about "a contraption called the Hook and Go, 'the smart cart for the urban shopper,'" which "seems like a good idea as gets rid of the cart part, folds into a compact shape, and will hold 70 pounds of hanging bags when unfurled."

So perfect; it would certainly get rid of the shopping cart stealing problems urban cities might have. But then where will the homeless get one?

Cookie / Made in England

Article link: Cookie / Made in England

This article highlighted works by Simon Cook (or Cookie, apparently).

I think his overall work looks really fun and entertaining! I really like the retro texture-y feel to some of his works, but the amazing cleanness they all give off at the same time. Amazing!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shoes designed in two parts, for a perfect fit, no matter the style

Article link: Shoes designed in two parts, for a perfect fit, no matter the style

This article was about a new company called Skins. I think what happens is when you buy "Skins" shoes, you buy the "inside," which always fits, and then you can buy different "outsides." that will fit over the "inside."

I frankly think this is a bit ridiculous. It just sounds like you're buying more for less, but okay, I guess I can see the appeal.

Core-Toon: Process Map

Article link: Core-Toon: Process Map

This article showed a cartoon done by a user named lunchbreath.

I LOVED this. It was hilarious, and yet it reassured me that my college life will last a little bit longer, even if the cartoon is false.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Three neat pieces of transforming furniture

Article link: Three neat pieces of transforming furniture

This article had three videos which showed furniture that could "transform." This one was my favourite:

It's so cool! And I love how easy they made it look in the end, but it must've taken a lot of work to get right.

Said Why Eggs? exhibition: 26 Alphabets by 26 Artists

Article link: Said Why Eggs? exhibition: 26 Alphabets by 26 Artists

This article displayed 26 different alphabets by 26 different artists.

The one displayed was my favourite, because I love putting things in order, and since this one was in a different order than the others, it really stood out.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Strangers and friends

Article link: Strangers and friends

The article was about the difference between marketing to strangers, and marketing to friends, and the fact that there is a big difference between the two, because it influences everything.

I totally and completely agree. I treat strangers politely and with as much respect as they give me, but with friends, I can be more relaxed and joke around more. I can totally understand that picking between the two marketing techniques can change and influence the entire process.

Bodhi of Work

Article link: Bodhi of Work

This article showed a couple of works from the Bodhi Gallery in East London, which has works from 50 up-and-coming print artists.

I've always admired illustrators and painters because I will probably never come close to accomplishing what they have. I love the detail in this shown work, for example. Just amazing.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Article link: Imminent

This article is asks and answers the question "what signals indicate that your success is imminent?" Seth writes that, "The brilliant venture capitalists are the guys who invest their money months or years before everyone else realizes how imminent the success is. They have better radar than the rest of us."

I wonder how venture capitalists get that skill and if they can somehow teach others, because it seems really useful in the professional world.

Milan Design Week 09 Preview: Prickly Chairs by Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers at Designersblock

Article link: Milan Design Week 09 Preview: Prickly Chairs by Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers at Designersblock

This article is about "prickly pair chairs" which were designed by Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers. The article had this to say about the chairs:

The chairs juxtapose Mexican and European aesthetic values, incorporating the formal design elements and quirks of both to create a cultural blend. They are frivolous and humorous yet simultaneously encourage reflection and acceptance.

I think they look fabulous! It's a really great concept, and they have a great pop-ish feel to them, with the green and pink so bright and colorful. The only thing I'm iffy about is the "hair" on the chairs. Eek!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's harder to hire great people in a tough economy

Article link: It's harder to hire great people in a tough economy

This article from Seth's blog says that the reason that it's harder to hire great people in a tough economy is because "it's noisy." He explains by saying "Lots of organizations have used the downturn as an excuse to trim people who weren't producing."

Seth also provides a link to an article called "Why hiring is paradoxically harder in a downturn".

SLAP Widgets: virtual controls you can touch

Article link: SLAP Widgets: virtual controls you can touch

This article is about "SLAP Widgets" which are plastic and silicone objects that are used with a multi-touch table/screen that allows people to control interface values through physical push buttons, sliders, knobs, keypads and keyboards. SLAP Widgets were created by RWTH Aachen University in Germany with UCSD in California.

The article writes that "As seductive as [multi-touch screens] are, there are still times when the tactile feedback and accuracy of physical objects are still preferable," and I completely agree! Sometimes, actual keys are better than touchscreen keys.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The first question every web site designer must ask

Article link: The first question every web site designer must ask

This article answers the question "Do you want the people visiting this site to notice it?"

Seth writes that the answer is "Yes" only for artists, musicians and web 2.0 companies, but that the answer is "No" for everyone else. He write that:

The purpose of the site is to tell a story or to generate some sort of action. And if the user notices the site, not the story, you've lost.

Amazingly, this means that not only can't the site be too cutting edge, clever or slick, it also can't be too horrible, garish or amateurish. It's sort of like the clothes you want the person giving a eulogy to wear. No Armani, no cutoff jeans.

I think this was a really enlightening question for me, personally, because now I know I need to work on finding an inbetween.

How to make money with SEO

Article link: How to make money with SEO

This article highlights two ways to make money using SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Seth calls the two different ways the Yellow Pages (Find a keyword and do whatever you can to 'own' that word on Google) and the White Pages (It involves owning a keyword that you already own).

He even provides a step-by-step mini-tutorial:

1. Make an incredible product, offer a remarkable service.

2. Associate a unique term or trademark with it. (Something that isn't generic, and preferably, not a crowded search term already).

3. Assuming that you do #1 and #2, you'll end up owning that word in the search engines. If you don't, revisit the first two steps.

The hard part, of course, is making something people choose to talk about. The good news is that this is under your control, which is better than the alternative.