Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Animation explaining how they erect cranes (and how they erect themselves)

Article link: Animation explaining how they erect cranes (and how they erect themselves)

The video and the article I found it in basically shows you how a company called San Marco Cranes erect their cranes, and how the cranes are designed to be able to get taller, so that they can build skyscrapers.

I thought this was a very interesting and insightful video. I had never really thought about cranes and construction in terms of designed, but clearly, someone very clever designed cranes so that they can be assembled on site (as opposed to assembled elsewhere and transported to construction site, which would be such a hassle) and that they can grow as the building grows. Amazing. And the animation is also amazing! It was very easy to understand, and it wasn't necessary for a narrator to tell us what was happening.

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