Thursday, October 29, 2009

Japanese space-saving kitchen appliance

Article link: Japanese space-saving kitchen appliance

This article is about an appliance in Japan that saves space in the kitchen. The article thinks the "thing is friggin' absurd!" but I personally like appliances that have many different functions. Plus, it's kind of cute!

Is Design Too Important To Be Left Only To Designers?

Article link: Is Design Too Important To Be Left Only To Designers?

In this article, Bruce says that Ann Burdick, chair of the Media Design Program at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, points out that "business, the humanities and even physics (at MIT) as embracing design and using it without much input from designers" and that "discussions about Design as a Literacy, Design as a Discipline, Design as a Way of Knowing were under way at various universities—without much input from designers or design educators."

This doesn't really bother me as much as it seemed to bother Ann. I think designers use design, but I'm sure other people can come up with great designs that designers can then use and modify.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Makita marketing idea is full of holes

Article link: Makita marketing idea is full of holes

This article is about a billboard by Makita that shows off pointillism done by power tool.

I think it looks amazing! Then again, pointillism always amazes me, and the fact that they did it with the drill they're trying to sell (well, I assume) is great.

CR Annual Best in Book: Nokia viNe

Article link: CR Annual Best in Book: Nokia viNe

This article and video are about "Nokia viNe" a new application by R/GA which lets users post what they're doing, media-wise, using geo-tagging. The video was done by Airside, a design firm in London. I really liked the video! It was playful, fun and informational.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A million blind squirrels

Article link: A million blind squirrels

In this article, Seth writes about an old idiom: "Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then." He says that, "You shouldn't pick your strategy by modeling someone else's success. The success might have been strategic and planned, but it's just as likely to be a matter of blind luck. Someone had to get that big deal, and this time it was [that squirrel]."

I find this to be very realistic, but scary at the same time. It's realistic, because not everyone gets "their big break," and at the same time, that's scary, because what if I'm not the "lucky squirrel"?

Saint-Etienne Design Biennale 2008: Citrus Clock, by Anna Gram'

Article link: Saint-Etienne Design Biennale 2008: Citrus Clock, by Anna Gram'

This article is about a lemon powered clock.

I thought the idea was great; spending money on lemons has got to be less than batteries or electricity. I wonder, though, if the lemons run out of juice and you have to put another lemon on there, do you have to set the clock all over again? Because that would be such a hassle.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sparkle and Glow

Article link: Sparkle and Glow

This article is about a brother and sister, named Eric Cohler and Jennifer Cohler Mason, who went shopping for a show called Holiday House, which promotes breast cancer awareness and research.

That shopping trip they went on sounds like a blast! I would love to visit Holiday House, it sounds like a really festive, happy place.

Clever showerheads

Article link: Clever showerheads

This article is introducing "Evolve Showerheads," which are showerheads that stop the flow of water and wait until you are ready to get in.

I think the science behind this is very cool. This is a perfect example of where we are in technology, nowadays. However, I probably wouldn't use this; when I'm waiting for my water to heat up, I'm right next to the shower, not in another room. I wouldn't need the showerhead to tell me when my water is ready, because I would be there anyway. But I'm sure a lot of other people will find this great.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Book Review: Art & Sole: Contemporary Sneaker Art & Design, by Intercity

Article link: Book Review: Art & Sole: Contemporary Sneaker Art & Design, by Intercity

This article is about a book called Art & Sole, which explores and shows off the "commerce, guerilla art, mass production and customization that is limited edition sneaker design."

I'm actually not a huge fan of shoes, but I do love that, in this society, we're able to use shoes to create art, design, and individuality. My brother is a huge fan of shows, and actually used to want to major in sneaker design, so I'm excited to hear from him about this book.

An Autumn Story in chalk

Article link: An Autumn Story in chalk

Firekites - AUTUMN STORY - chalk animation from Lucinda Schreiber on Vimeo.

The article was about the video, which is a stop-motion music video using chalk and chalkboards. I found this to be extremely amazing. Not just because I love stop motion photography, but the fact that they can be so consistent in their drawings! It's just astounding.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Invisible Car running the blogs

Article link: Invisible Car running the blogs

This article links to another article called "Artist creates invisible car" which shows off an artist who painted a car to match the background.

I thought this looked so cool! I mean, obviously, it's not perfect, but it's close! And it looks really great, and it really does blend in!

Bklyn Designs 2009: Warp Designs' perforated steel flower container

Article link: Bklyn Designs 2009: Warp Designs' perforated steel flower container

This article is about a flower vase designed by Warp Designs.

I LOVE this look. I'm very much into sci-fi and this really just hit that spot for me. It looks so cool and futuristic!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

NY Design Week 09 Preview: Playful: New Finnish Design

Article link: NY Design Week 09 Preview: Playful: New Finnish Design

This article showed off different pieces from Playful: New Finnish Design, a show in NYC.

I'm not exactly sure what the structures in the shown picture are, but to me, they look like desks, and I really, really want one now.

Wall-mounted fireplaces

Article link: Wall-mounted fireplaces

This article was about wall-mounted fireplaces and how they were minimalist compared to old fireplaces.

Not sure how I feel about them, but they look nice, and that's all that really counts!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Type the Sky fonts by Lisa Rienermann

Article link: Type the Sky fonts by Lisa Rienermann

This article is about Lisa Rienermann and how she got the idea of doing this: “It began with the Q,” she tells Slanted. “I was in a kind of courtyard in Barcelona. I looked upward and saw houses, the blue sky and clouds. The more I looked, I saw that the houses formed a letter Q.”

I love it! I wonder how long it to do such a thing?

"30 years of Apple in three minutes" video

Article link: "30 years of Apple in three minutes" video

I thought this video was just amazing, not just because of the concept, but just looking at Apple design over three decades!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New 'hoodie' style task chair by the Bouroullec Brothers

Article link: New 'hoodie' style task chair by the Bouroullec Brothers

This article is about a new chair by the Bouroullec Brothers that is supposed to block out noise while you work.

To me, this looks like a chair that villians could've used in spy movies. But I guess that's what makes it awesome!

China Has Electric Scooters. America Needs Them

Article link: China Has Electric Scooters. America Needs Them

This article is about when Bruce Nussbaum was in China. He noticed that a lot of the Chinese were riding electric scooters, and that America should adopt this trend.

When I went to China, it was the summer of 2007, and I noticed the same thing - I told my mom, who took my brother and I, that I wanted one. But I think that even though scooters are popular in Asia and Europe, there's a mindset here in America that prevents the electric scooter from becoming popular. Unfortunately.